From this Wednesday ASINCA will no longer be using its office on Calle Calatrava, in the Catalan capital. From today you can find us at Plaça d’Eguilaz, 8 (mezzanine floor, door 4), Barcelona. We will still be using the same phone number as before (+34) 932 058 766.  
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The head of the Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (a rail service operated by the Catalan government), Enric Ticó participated this morning in a new breakfast conference organised by ASINCA and the Cámara de Contratistas de Obras de Cataluña (Chamber of Works Contractors of Catalonia). The meeting held at Fomento de Trabajo’s (National Labour
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On Thursday morning, the Deputy Manager of Barcelona City Council’s Infrastructures and Urban Planning Office, Manuel Valdés, took part in a new breakfast conference run by ASINCA. Fomento de Trabajo’s (National Labour Development) headquarters hosted the event which saw participation from many of ASINCA’s associates. The meeting was presented by ASINCA’s Chairman, Josep Túnica, with
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This morning Núria Marín, the Mayoress of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat took part in a corporate breakfast organised by ASINCA and the Cámara de Contratistas de Obras de Cataluña (Chamber of Works Contractors of Catalonia) at Foment del Treball’s offices. Marín laid out the main investment projects for the second largest city in Catalonia. The Mayoress
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This week, the Chairman and CEO of the Port of Tarragona, Josep Andreu, attended a corporate breakfast alongside Carlos Segura, Manager of Infrastructure and Conservation at the same port. The breakfast was organised by ASINCA in collaboration with the Cámara de Contratistas de Obras de Cataluña (CCOC, Chamber of Works Contractors of Catalonia). The meeting
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This morning ASINCA held an extraordinary general meeting which announced its new board of directors for the next four years. The nominations, presided over by Josep Túnica for Chairman, and Carles Gracia for Vice Chairman will lead the association for the new term. Chairman Josep Túnica announced the objectives for the new board will show the
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The Association of Independent Engineering and Consultancy Companies of Catalonia (ASINCA) together with associations in Andalusia, Aragon, Castille and León, and Galicia have managed to convince the four major political parties that public engineering project contracts should be awarded on a quality assessment basis rather than price. The pledge was reached through a debate lead
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On Thursday, a pre-election debate was held at the Institute of Spanish Engineering featuring participants from the four major political parties (PP, PSOE, Ciudadanos, and Unidos-Podemos). It was lead by ASINCA Chairman, Josep Túnia. The meeting relied on the involvement of territorial associations from Galicia (AGEINCO), Castille and León (ACALINCO, Aragon (ASINCAR) and Andalusia (ASINCA).
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With the congressional elections on 26th June, ASINCA along with regional associations from Galicia (AGEINCO), Castille and León (ACALINCO), Aragon (ASINCAR) and Andalusia (ASICA) have decided to organise a day of debate which will involve politicians from the major political parties Partido Popular, Partido Socialista, Ciudadanos and Podemos. The debate will be presented and moderated
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ASINCA, The Association of Independent Engineering and Consultancy Companies of Catalonia along with three other regional territorial associations (Andalusia, Aragon, and Galicia) consider it both irresponsible and incompetent to hold a new election with the same candidates. It regrets to say that the current political situation in Spain, which is looking to hold a new
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