On Tuesday ASINCA organised an interesting talk with coach Víctor Küppers. Under the title Live with enthusiasm Küppers discussed matters such as motivation, leadership, empathy and the need to be optimistic in order to flourish. Some fifty associates from ASINCA participated in the event held at the Col·legi d’Enginyers de Camins (Catalan Civil Engineering Association)
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The latest Tribuna ASINCA meeting was held on Thursday and enjoyed the participation of the Deputy Mayoress and Head of City Planning, Environment and Transport at Barcelona City Council, Janet Sanz. Sanz addressed ASINCA associates to explain the city council’s position on urban planning and public works. The Deputy Mayoress explained that the procurement model
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ASINCA held its AGM on 13th April which saw a large turnout from various companies in the association. In the meeting the accounts from 2015 were explained in detail, the financial year’s services rendered were summarised, and finally the budget for 2016 was approved.
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The Tribuna ASINCA on Wednesday was attended by the Minister for Land and Sustainability from the Generalitat de Catalunya (Regional Government of Catalonia), Josep Rull. Rull explained to the associates that the government’s budget is affected by outstanding payments, which is why it is difficult to make new investments. He did, however, have a positive
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          The Association of Independent Engineering and Consultancy Companies of Catalonia (ASINCA) and the Cámara de Contratistas de Obras de Cataluña (CCOC, Chamber of Works Contractors of Catalonia) organised a conference on 22nd February lead by the Managing Director of BIMSA (Barcelona d’Infraestructures Municipals, SA), Àngel Sánchez which revealed the public
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This morning the Port of Barcelona presented its 2016 budget to ASINCA and Cambra de Contractistes d’Obres de Catalunya (The Chamber of Works Contractors of Catalonia). The meeting featured the Managing Director of the Port of Barcelona, José Alberto Carbonell, and was presented by the ASINCA Chairman, Josep Túnica, and the Chairman of The Chamber
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On Wednesday representatives from ASINCA, lead by Chairman Josep Túnica, met with the President of the Parliament of Catalonia, Carme Forcadell. The reason behind the meeting was to present a course of action for our association, the benchmark in the engineering sector in Catalonia. The meeting took place in a greatly cordial setting and predisposition
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